10 hours of assistant work now 400€+vat. No commitment past that!

May's growing team 🚀

Response to change.

May's digital assistant services have been created in response to the changing nature of the business world, where both employees' aspirations and employers' needs are at the centre of change

With the increasing use of automation and artificial intelligence, the quality of work is changing. As software and user-friendliness evolve, editing a website or content, for example, is a different kind of work and does not always require a specialist. There is often a need for a helping hand with an eye for details.

In response to this, we have created a virtual assistant service with different focus areas.

At May, we want to create flexible working opportunities and the chance for everyone to do what they do best.

Our assistants can work from anywhere. This kind of work allows for a variety of life situations and goals, and often can assist to accomplishing long-term dreams. So you'll not only get a professional assistant, but a happy assistant :)

Making dreams come true.

Mira Rossi

Assistant manager, digital marketing specialist, May's entrepreneur


Mari Honkonen

Marketing coordinator


Our team